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Seoul National University

Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory



Membrane separation of CO2 and H2

CO2 is an important greenhouse gas, generated from every industry using fossil fuels. Gas separation using membrane is highlighted due to a simple application and a lower operational cost. However, scalable membrane technology for a gas separation is not feasible. Factors in a real plant such as minor gases, dust, high pressure and temperature degrade membrane and reduce its performance. Thus, studying those factors and the mechanism behind them is necessary for a scalable membrane technology. Furthermore, hydrogen gas can be separated from CO2 by metal membrane from the process like IGCC. Similar methodology is applied for hydrogen separation with a metal membrane.

Recovery of economic resources during shale gas produced water treatment

Our research group also concerns the recovery of usable resources within the contaminated environment treatment processes.  Especially, we are focusing on the reclaiming the valuable mineral resources during produced water treatment process after unconventional energy resource developments or wastewater treatment process in urban wastewater treatment plants.

Geochemical characteristics of groundwater in geothermal power plant system

Geothermal powerplant supply water underground and extract heat. Rocks and soils can easily react with certain components in the water and precipitates. Those precipitates can block the flow of water and interrupt the operation, called scaling. To prevent scaling, geochemical characteristics of power plant area and the composition of water should be studied. Modeling of underground system and a small scale test are conducted to figure out the factors causing scaling and the methods to prevent the scaling.

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Ion Chromatography (IC) for anions & cations analysis

Ion-exchange chromatography (or ion chromatography) is a process that allows the separation of ions and polar molecules based on their affinity to the ion exchanger. It can be used for almost any kind of charged molecule including large proteins, small nucleotides and amino acids. The solution to be injected is usually called a sample, and the individually separated components are called analytes. It is often used in protein purification, water analysis, and quality control.

(Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-OES for cations analysis

An inductively coupled plasma (ICP) is a type of plasma source in which the energy is supplied by electric currents which are produced byelectromagnetic induction, that is, by time-varying magnetic fields.

(Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

Imaging, F-D curve

Gas Chromatography (GC)

Gas chromatography only for gas composition analysis. (CO2, CO, H2, N2) 

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Journal Articles

Jang, Y., Chung, E., "Lithium adsorptive properties of H2TiO3 adsorbent from shale gas produced water containing organic compounds", Chemosphere, 2019.

Jang, Y., Chung, E., "Adsorption of lithium from shale gas produced water using titanium based adsorbent", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018.

Jang, E., Jang, Y., Chung, E., "Lithium recovery from shale gas produced water using solvent extraction", Applied Geochemistry, 2017, online published.

Park, T., Ampunan, V., Maeng, S., and Chung, E., "Demostration of sodium hydroxide coated slag to enhance precipitation-coagulation for phosphorus removal", Chemosphere, 2016, 167, 91-97.

Jang, Y., Chung, E., "H2TiO3를 이용한 셰일가스 생산수 중 리튬 회수", 한국자원공학회지, 2016, 53 (5), 482-488.

Jang, E., Jeong, S., Chung, E., "Application of threee different water treatment technologies to shale gas produced water," Geosystem Engineering, 2016, online published.

Park, T., Ampunan, V., Yi, S., and Chung, E., “Chemical behavior of different species of phosphorus in coagulation,” Chemosphere 2016, 144, 2264-2269.

Kwon, S., Lee, S.G., Chung, E., and Lee, W.R., “CO2 adsorption on H2O-saturated BaO(1 0 0) and induced barium surface dissociation,” Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2015, 36,11-16.

Ramasundaram, S., Jung, J.H., Chung, E., Maeng, S.K., Song, K.G., and Hong, S.W. “Increasing hydrophobicity of poly(propylene) fibers by coating reduced graphene oxide and their application as depth filter media,” Carbon 2014, 70, 179-189.

Chung, E., Yiacoumi, S., and Tsouris, C. “Interaction Forces between Spores and Planar Surfaces in Aqueous Solutions,” Colloids and Surfaces A 2014, 443, 80-87.

Chung, E., Yiacoumi, S., Halbert, C., Ankner, J., Wang, W., Kim, C., and Tsouris, C. “Interaction of silica nano-particles with a flat silica surface studied by neutron reflectometry,” Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46, 4532–4538.

Lee, I., Chung, E., Kweon, H., Yiacoumi, S., and Tsouris, C. “Scanning surface potential microscopy of spores adhesion on surfaces,” Colloids and Surfaces B 2011, 92, 271-276.

Lee, I, Chung, E., Kweon, H., Yiacoumi, S., and Tsouris, C., “Investigating the Role of the Electrostatic Force in Spore Adhesion by Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011, 17, 232-233.

Lee, J., Hong, S., Mackeyev, Y., Lee, C., Chung, E.,. Wilson, L.J., Kim, J.H., and Alvarez, P.J.J. “Photosensitized oxidation of emerging organic pollutants by tetrakis C60 aminofullerene-derivatized silica under visible light irradiation,” Environmental Science and Technology 2011, 45, 10598–10604.

Chung, E., Lee, I., Yiacoumi, S., and Tsouris, C. “The role of the electrostatic force in spore adhesion,” Environmental Science and Technology 2010, 44, 6209–6214.

Walker M.E., McFarlane J., Glasgow D.C., Chung E., Yiacoumi, S., and Tsouris, C. “Effects of radioactivity on surface interaction forces”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 350, 595-598.

Chung, E., Kweon, H., Yiacoumi, S., Lee, I., Joy, D., Palumbo, A., and Tsouris. C. “Adhesion of spores of Bacillus thuringiensis on a planar surface,” Environmental Science and Technology, 2010, 44, 290-296.

Lee, I., Chung, E., Kweon, H., Yiacoumi, S., Tsouris, C. “Scanning surface potential microscopy of spores on planar surfaces,” Microscopy and Microanalysis 2009, 15, 1132-1133.

Chung, E., Lavrik, N., Datskos, P., McFarlane, J., Dai, S., and Tsouris, C. “Microcantilever Sensors with chemically selective coatings of ionic liquids,” AIChE J. 2007, 53, 2726-2731.

Chung, E., Lee, J.-S., Chon, H.-T., and Sager, M. “Environmental contamination and bioaccessibility of arsenic and metals around the Dongjeong Au-Ag-Cu mine, Korea,” Geochemistry; Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 2005, 5, 69-74.

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