
Applied Resources Geology
To learn geological phenomena closely related to our life
To learn basic theory behind rocks &minerals and rock structures
To learn the formation of mineral and energy resources their geological impact on environment

Applied Geochemistry
To learn the distribution and migration characteristics, and dispersion patterns of chemical elements and isotopes in geochemical samples such as rock, soil, water, vegetation, and gases
To learn geochemical exploration of minerals and energy resources and the principles of environmental geochemistry related to heavy metal contaminations

Mine Reclamation Environmental Engineering
To learn environmental problems caused by mining activities
To learn Especially monitoring, risk assessment, and treatment (or prevention) for mine waste, deforestation, acid mine drainage, soil pollution, land subsidence

Topics in Applied Geochemistry
To learn the latest research topics in resources exploration and environmental contamination (or enrichment) using applied geochemical method

Topics in Environmental Geochemistry
To learn the latest research topics in geochemical treatment of environmental media and resources recovery during resources development